Tag: working memory

PTAM 2013-3 | Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part I

Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part I Wilma Vialle CONTENT Intellectual and non-intellectual determinants of high academic achievement – the contribution of personality traits to the assessment of high performance potentialStefana Holocher-Ertl, Silvia Schubhart & Georg WilflingerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) In memoriam Reinhold Hatzinger...

PSYSCIQ 2009-4

CONTENT DAVID FOSTER & HAROLD L. MILLERA new format for multiple-choice testing: Discrete-Option Multiple-Choice. Results from early studiesFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) KLAUS D. KUBINGER, DIETER RASCH & TAKUYA YANAGIDAOn designing data-sampling for Rasch model calibrating an achievement testFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special topic: Working memory...

PSYSCIQ 2008-4

CONTENT MAIKE MALDA, FONS J. R. VAN DE VIJVER, KRISHNAMACHARI SRINIVASAN, CATHERINE TRANSLER, PRATHIMA SUKUMAR & KIRTHI RAOAdapting a cognitive test for a different culture: An illustration of qualitative proceduresFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) THOMAS AUGUSTIN & TANJA ROSCHEREmpirical evaluation of the near-miss-to-Weber’s law: a visual discrimination experimentFull...

PSYSCIQ 2007-3

CONTENT GILLES E. GIGNACWorking memory and fluid intelligence are both identical to g?! Reanalyses and critical evaluationFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) WILLI HAGERSome common features and some differences between the parametric ANOVA for repeated measures and the Friedman ANOVA for ranked dataFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) CHRISTOPH MENGELKAMP...