About PTAM
This journal Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, focusses on three areas: psychology-specific statistical methods & problems, general psychometrics, and psychological assessment in theory & practice. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to contribute to any topic of these areas. That is in particular in-depth research work on psychology-specific statistical methods and problems, in-depth research work on psychometrics, and in-depth research work on psychological assessment. All above, any application of models of the Item Response Theory (IRT) is of interest as well as any theoretical consideration of the psychometric qualities of such models – of very great importance is always to get sight of the Rasch model’s exceptional property from the perspective of the theory of science: The Rasch model allows specific objective comparisons of examinees or items.
Finally: We welcome papers dealing especially with research reproducibility. Also authors are warmly encouraged to publish new computer routines (particularly done in R), which support Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling.
Submitted papers will be reviewed within four weeks. Given a revised version due to the reviewers objections is once re-submitted and accepted, a paper will be published at once.
Prof. Klaus D. Kubinger, PhD, MSc, Editor-in-Chief
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling
ISSN (Print): 2190-0493
ISSN (Online): 2190-0507
DOI: 10.2440/001
Est.: 1958
Language: English
License: CC-BY-NC
Klaus D. Kubinger
c/o Faculty of Psychology
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 5
A-1010 Vienna (Austria)
Scientific Office Manager
Bettina Hagenmüller
Technical Support
Jan Steinfeld
Pabst Science Publishers
Eichengrund 28
49525 Lengerich
Tel. +49 (0) 5484 / 308
Fax +49 (0) 5484 / 550
Publishers Office
Karin Moenninghoff
Patrick Orths
Editorial board:
David Andrich (AUS, Crawley)
Trevor Bond (AUS, Townsville)
Valentin Bucik (SLO, Ljubljana)
Vesna Busko (HR, Zagreb)
Paul De Boeck (NL, Leuven)
Anastasia Efklides (GR, Thessaloniki)
Susan E. Embretson (USA, Atlanta)
Candan Ertubey (UK, Luton)
Andreas Frey (G, Frankfurt)
Samuel Greiff (LUX, Luxembourg)
Ron K. Hambleton (USA, Massachusetts)
Patrick C. Kyllonen (USA, Princeton)
Geoff N. Masters (AUS, Victoria)
Deniz S. Ones (USA, Minneapolis)
Tuulia Ortner (AUT, Salzburg)
Marc Reckase, (USA, East Lansing)
Karl Schweizer (G, Frankfurt)
Jeanne A. Teresi (USA, New York)
Willibald Ruch (CH, Zürich)
Mark Wilson (USA, Berkeley)
Albert Ziegler (G, Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals, PsycINFO, Psyndex
Self-evaluated impact factor 2010: 0.565; 2011: 0.525; 2012: 0.783; 2013: 0.420; 2014: 0.354, 2015: 0.370, 2016: 0.400, 2017: 0.811, 2018: 0.583, 2019: 0.500, 2020: 0.318
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mag. Klaus D. Kubinger
c/o Division for Assessment and Applied Psychometrics
Faculty of Psychology
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 5
A-1010 Vienna (Austria)
Scientific Office Manager
Bettina Hagenmüller
Technical Support
Jan Steinfeld
Publishing Company
PABST Science Publishers
Eichengrund 28
49525 Lengerich
Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 5484-308
Fax: ++ 49 (0) 5484-550
Advertising copies to be delivered in English
Publication dates
15. March, 15. June, 15. September, 15. December
Deadline for advertising
15th of previous month respectively
Technical data
Offset print
Printing documents
PDF file
Journal format 160 x 230 mm
Print space 120 x 184
Advertising price-list
1 page: 256,- Euro
Partial pages: proportionally
Extra charge per colour (euro scale) 20 %,
Bleed without extra charge
In case of purchase within one year of
3 ad-pages 5%
6 ad-pages 10%
12 ad-pages 15%
Inserts, supplements
to be agreed; partial occupancy possible
Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts for review must be submitted electronically to our online submission management system: http://ptam.klaus-kubinger.com. Preferable the manuscripts are submitted as a doc-file, in case of LATEX manuscripts as PDF. Further information on how to submit a paper are provided here.
We presuppose that papers submitted for publication in Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling have not been previously published and will not be simultaneously submitted for publication consideration elsewhere, and if accepted for publication, such papers will not be published elsewhere, in any language, without the written consent of the publisher.
Please attach to every submission a letter confirming that all authors have agreed to the submission and that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication by any other print or electronic journal. Also add that the paper conforms the ethical standards of psychology. Finally, take into account that we request in the case of publication the following footnote: "We affirm availability of the data, the specification of the used software (version number and applied options included), [and in case: as well as the applied source code] according to the standards of research reproducibility".
The review process is double blind and will regularly not last more than four weeks. Once a paper has been accepted it is uploaded onto the Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling website in full version as soon as possible.
Preparation of the manuscripts
The journal publishes exclusively in English.
Prepare your manuscript according to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association www.apastyle.org/. Formatting instructions and instructions on the preparation of tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts appear in the manual. The length of the contribution should depend on its content and considerations of readability and lucidity.
Please condider also the following issues:
- Use only 5 keywords
- Use "Black and White (2003)" within the text, but "Black & White (2002)" within footnotes, Tables, Figures, or within brackets; please list every author's name the first time you refer to them, but afterwards, if there are more than three authors, then use Miller et al.
- Don't use too many abbreviations
- Always use statistical symbols in Italics
- Do not use different type-I-risk levels in your paper for similar questions, but decide in advance for a certain level; there is no need for asterisks in order to indicate the effect size, rather estimate the (relative) effect size
- Do not use alpha-risk, alpha-error, beta-risk, and beta-error, but type-I- and type-II-risk, and -error.
- Do not use N for sample sizes, but n
- Don't use T = 21.6 but t = 21.6, because that concerns the t-test and the t-distribution; that is, do not follow SPSS
- Please always set a "blank" between statistical expressions and mathematical symbols - that is p = .03 instead of p=.03
- Don't use Chi2 or the like, but c2
- Please use 50 %, but not 50%
- Don't use the qualitative categories by Cohen (1960) for the evaluation of the estimated effect size but give the estimated (relative) effect size in its quantitative value
- There is no need to write p < .001 and the like, in case SPSS lists p = .000 – this is so, because every reader acquainted with mathematics knows that p is not actually zero but the given value is only the result of rounding
On this note, we look forward to contributions which promote the concerning area by a very high methodical standard.
Editor in Chief
Klaus D. Kubinger