PTAM 2022-1
CONTENT Note: Machine Learning Modeling and Optimization Techniques in Psychological AssessmentDavid Goretzko & Markus BühnerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Using BIC and aBIC to develop Bayesian posterior probabilities for latent variable modelsW. Holmes FinchFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) NICOTINE AND CAFFEINE USERS’ BLOOD PRESSURE REGULATION DURING SUSTAINED...
PTAM 2012-3 | Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and other non-parametrical statistical methods – Part II
Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and other non-parametrical statistical methods – Part II Mark Stemmler & Alexander von Eye (Eds.) CONTENT The relative impact of persons, items, subtests, and academic background on performance on a language proficiency testHossein KaramiFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Developing and validating an Academic Listening...