PTAM 2020-1 | Establishing comparability and measurement invariance in large-scale assessments, part I
Establishing comparability and measurement invariance in large-scale assessments, part I Lale Khorramdel, Artur Pokropek & Peter van Rijn (Eds.) CONTENT EditorialLale Khorramdel, Artur Pokropek & Peter van Rijn Full article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Using a multilevel random item Rasch model to examine item difficulty variance between random groupsJohannes Hartig,...
PTAM 2017-1 | Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part II
Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part II Matthias Stadler, Samuel Greiff & Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt CONTENT The probability distribution of the response times in self-paced continuous search tasksAd van der Ven, Risto Hotulainen & Helena ThunebergFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special Issue:Current Methodological Issues in Educational...
PTAM 2016-4 | Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part I
Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part I Matthias Stadler, Samuel Greiff & Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt CONTENT The detection of heteroscedasticity in regression models for psychological dataAndreas G. Klein, Carla Gerhard, Rebecca D. Büchner, Stefan Diestel & Karin Schermelleh-EngelFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special Issue:Current Methodological Issues...
PTAM 2015-4 | Missing values in large-scale assessment studies
Missing values in large-scale assessment studies Steffi Pohl & Christian Aßmann CONTENT The hybrid rating method: Assessment of a novel way to measure attitudesJohann-Christoph MünscherFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special Topic:Missing values in large-scale assessment studiesGuest editors: Steffi Pohl & Christian Aßmann Guest editorialSteffi Pohl & Christian AßmannFull...
PTAM 2012-4 | Current issues in Educational and Psychological Measurement: Design, calibration, and adaptive testing – Part I
Current issues in Educational and Psychological Measurement: Design, calibration, and adaptive testing – Part I Andreas Frey & Ulf Kröhne (Eds.) CONTENT Screening for personality disorders: A new questionnaire and its validation using Latent Class AnalysisJulia Lange, Christian Geiser, Karl Heinz Wiedl & Henning SchöttkeFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...
PTAM 2012-3 | Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and other non-parametrical statistical methods – Part II
Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and other non-parametrical statistical methods – Part II Mark Stemmler & Alexander von Eye (Eds.) CONTENT The relative impact of persons, items, subtests, and academic background on performance on a language proficiency testHossein KaramiFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Developing and validating an Academic Listening...
PSYSCIQ 2008-3 | The use of LLTM (Linear Logistic Test Model): Cognitive modelling and item-technology analyses
CONTENT KLAUS D. KUBINGEROn the revival of the Rasch model-based LLTM: From constructing tests using item generating rules to measuring item administration effectsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) SUSAN E. EMBRETSON & ROBERT C. DANIELUnderstanding and quantifying cognitive complexity level in mathematical problem solving itemsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...