PTAM 2016-4 | Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part I
Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part I Matthias Stadler, Samuel Greiff & Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt CONTENT The detection of heteroscedasticity in regression models for psychological dataAndreas G. Klein, Carla Gerhard, Rebecca D. Büchner, Stefan Diestel & Karin Schermelleh-EngelFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special Issue:Current Methodological Issues...
PTAM 2016-2 | Measurement equivalence of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) short forms – Part II
Measurement equivalence of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) short forms – Part II Bryce B. Reeve & Jeanne A. Teresi CONTENT Incorporating different response formats of competence tests in an IRT modelKerstin Haberkorn, Steffi Pohl & Claus H. CarstensenFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) In memoriam...
PTAM 2016-1 | Measurement equivalence of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) short forms – Part I
Measurement equivalence of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) short forms – Part I Bryce B. Reeve & Jeanne A. Teresi CONTENT Editorial:Review and forecast on research in Psychological Test and Assessment ModelingKlaus D. Kubinger (editor in chief)Full article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Treating all rapid responses...
PTAM 2015-4 | Missing values in large-scale assessment studies
Missing values in large-scale assessment studies Steffi Pohl & Christian Aßmann CONTENT The hybrid rating method: Assessment of a novel way to measure attitudesJohann-Christoph MünscherFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special Topic:Missing values in large-scale assessment studiesGuest editors: Steffi Pohl & Christian Aßmann Guest editorialSteffi Pohl & Christian AßmannFull...
PTAM 2014-4
CONTENT Competence-oriented oral examinations: objective and validKarl Westhoff & Carmen HagemeisterFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) The structural validity of the FPI Neuroticism scale revisited in the framework of the generalized linear modelKarl Schweizer & Siegbert ReißFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Constrained Multidimensional Adaptive Testing without intermixing items...
PTAM 2014-1
CONTENT Who is motivated to volunteer? A latent profile analysis linking volunteer motivation to frequency of volunteeringChristian Geiser, Morris A. Okun & Caterina GranoFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) The impact of group pseudo-guessing parameter differences on the detection of uniform and nonuniform DIFW. Holmes Finch & Brian F....
PTAM 2013-4 | Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part II
Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part II Wilma Vialle CONTENT Designing small-scale tests: A simulation study of parameter recovery with the 1-PLDubravka Svetina, AAron V. Crawford, Roy Levy, Samuel B. Green, Lietta Scott, Marilyn Thompson, Joanna S. Gorin, Derek Fay & Katie L. KunzeFull article .pdf...
PTAM 2013-2
CONTENT Extension of an iterative hybrid ordinal logistic regression/item response theory approach to detect and account for differential item functioning in longitudinal dataShubhabrata Mukherjee, Laura E. Gibbons, Elizabeth Kristjansson & Paul K. CraneFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Increasing unidimensional measurement precision using a multidimensional item response model approachSteffen...
PTAM 2013-1 | Current issues in Educational and Psychological Measurement: Design, calibration, and adaptive testing – Part II
Current issues in Educational and Psychological Measurement: Design, calibration, and adaptive testing – Part II Ulf Kröhne & Andreas Frey (Eds.) CONTENT A systematic review of the methodology for person fit research in Item Response Theory: Lessons about generalizability of inferences from the design of simulation studiesAndré A. RuppFull...
PTAM 2012-4 | Current issues in Educational and Psychological Measurement: Design, calibration, and adaptive testing – Part I
Current issues in Educational and Psychological Measurement: Design, calibration, and adaptive testing – Part I Andreas Frey & Ulf Kröhne (Eds.) CONTENT Screening for personality disorders: A new questionnaire and its validation using Latent Class AnalysisJulia Lange, Christian Geiser, Karl Heinz Wiedl & Henning SchöttkeFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...