PTAM 2014-4
CONTENT Competence-oriented oral examinations: objective and validKarl Westhoff & Carmen HagemeisterFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) The structural validity of the FPI Neuroticism scale revisited in the framework of the generalized linear modelKarl Schweizer & Siegbert ReißFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Constrained Multidimensional Adaptive Testing without intermixing items...
PTAM 2011-3 | Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part I
Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part I Matthias von Davier (Eds.) CONTENT Performance of the bootstrap Rasch model test under violations of non-intersecting item response functionsMoritz Heene, Clemens Draxler, Matthias Ziegler & Markus BühnerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) INTAKT: A new instrument for assessing the...