PTAM 2014-3
CONTENT Evaluation of the chi²-statistic and different fit-indices under misspecified number of factors in confirmatory factor analysisMichael Themessl-HuberFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Measured attention in prolonged over-learned response tasks and its correlation to high level scientific reasoning and school achievementR. Hotulainen, H. Thuneberg, J. Hautamäki & M.-P. VainikainenFull article...
PTAM 2013-3 | Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part I
Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part I Wilma Vialle CONTENT Intellectual and non-intellectual determinants of high academic achievement – the contribution of personality traits to the assessment of high performance potentialStefana Holocher-Ertl, Silvia Schubhart & Georg WilflingerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) In memoriam Reinhold Hatzinger...
PSYSCIQ 2008-2 | High Ability Assessment
High Ability Assessment Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stoeger (Eds.) CONTENT SHEIDRUN STOEGER & ALBERT ZIEGLEREditorial: High Ability AssessmentFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) STEFANA HOLOCHER-ERTL, KLAUS D. KUBINGER & CHRISTINE HOHENSINNIdentifying children who may be cognitively gifted: the gap between practical demands and scientific supplyFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...