Tag: depression

PTAM 2022-2

CONTENT Note: The use of incorrect statistics-based formulations and phrases in papers of psychological research workDieter RaschFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Longitudinal Configuration Frequency Analysis as Special Case of the CFA – Illustrated with data on depression incidences in Bavaria between 2007 and 2012Thomas Lang, Jochen Behringer, Anja...

PTAM 2016-1 | Measurement equivalence of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) short forms – Part I

Measurement equivalence of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) short forms – Part I Bryce B. Reeve & Jeanne A. Teresi CONTENT Editorial:Review and forecast on research in Psychological Test and Assessment ModelingKlaus D. Kubinger (editor in chief)Full article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Treating all rapid responses...

PSYSCIQ 2009-2

CONTENT HERBERT POINSTINGLThe Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM) as the methodological foundation of item generating rules for a new verbal reasoning testFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) TRACEY PLATT, RENÉ PROYER & WILLIBALD RUCHGelotophobia and bullying: The assessment of the fear of being laughed at and its application among...

PSYSCIQ 2008-4

CONTENT MAIKE MALDA, FONS J. R. VAN DE VIJVER, KRISHNAMACHARI SRINIVASAN, CATHERINE TRANSLER, PRATHIMA SUKUMAR & KIRTHI RAOAdapting a cognitive test for a different culture: An illustration of qualitative proceduresFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) THOMAS AUGUSTIN & TANJA ROSCHEREmpirical evaluation of the near-miss-to-Weber’s law: a visual discrimination experimentFull...