PTAM 2014-3
CONTENT Evaluation of the chi²-statistic and different fit-indices under misspecified number of factors in confirmatory factor analysisMichael Themessl-HuberFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Measured attention in prolonged over-learned response tasks and its correlation to high level scientific reasoning and school achievementR. Hotulainen, H. Thuneberg, J. Hautamäki & M.-P. VainikainenFull article...
PSYSCIQ 2008-4
CONTENT MAIKE MALDA, FONS J. R. VAN DE VIJVER, KRISHNAMACHARI SRINIVASAN, CATHERINE TRANSLER, PRATHIMA SUKUMAR & KIRTHI RAOAdapting a cognitive test for a different culture: An illustration of qualitative proceduresFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) THOMAS AUGUSTIN & TANJA ROSCHEREmpirical evaluation of the near-miss-to-Webers law: a visual discrimination experimentFull...