Tag: computerized adaptive testing

PTAM 2022-4 | Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Assessment. Special Issue 1

Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Assessment. Special Issue 1 Hong Jiao, Qiwei He, Lihua Yao (Eds.) CONTENT Identifying Aberrant Responses in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Application of Anomaly Detection MethodsGuher Gorgun & Okan BulutFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) A Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Item Compromise and...

PTAM 2018-4 |  New trends in gifted identification – Part I

New trends in gifted identification – Part I Albert Ziegler, Mariam Alghawi, Marold Reutlinger (Eds.) CONTENT Reliability and interpretation of total scores from multidimensional cognitive measures – evaluating the GIK 4-6 using bifactor analysisTobias Debatin, Abdullah Aljughaiman, Mariam AlGhawi, Heidrun Stoeger, Albert ZieglerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Attitudes...

PTAM 2018-3 |  Advances in Educational Measurement – Part II

Advances in Educational Measurement – Part II Andreas Frey, Christoph König & Christian Spoden (Eds.) CONTENT An investigation into the usefulness of time-efficient item selection in computerized adaptive testingBirk Diedenhofen & Jochen MuschFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Measuring adolescents’ social goals during lower secondary schoolHanna-Riitta Ståhl, Niina Junttila...

PTAM 2016-4 | Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part I

Current Methodological Issues in Educational Large-Scale Assessments – Part I Matthias Stadler, Samuel Greiff & Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt CONTENT The detection of heteroscedasticity in regression models for psychological dataAndreas G. Klein, Carla Gerhard, Rebecca D. Büchner, Stefan Diestel & Karin Schermelleh-EngelFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special Issue:Current Methodological Issues...

PTAM 2014-3

CONTENT Evaluation of the chi²-statistic and different fit-indices under misspecified number of factors in confirmatory factor analysisMichael Themessl-HuberFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Measured attention in prolonged over-learned response tasks and its correlation to high level scientific reasoning and school achievementR. Hotulainen, H. Thuneberg, J. Hautamäki & M.-P. VainikainenFull article...

PTAM 2010-2 | Dispositions towards ridicule and being laughed at: Current research on gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism – Part II

Dispositions towards ridicule and being laughed at: Current research on gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism – Part II CONTENT Mark D. ReckaseDesigning item pools to optimize the functioning of a computerized adaptive testFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Klaus D. Kubinger, Nina Heuberger & Herbert PoinstinglOn the self-evaluation of a...