PTAM 2023-2
CONTENT A reasonable approach to check a psychological test’s long ago standardization – applied for the Adaptive Intelligence Diagnosticum (AID 3)Klaus D. Kubinger & Thomas SusterFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Visualizing Rasch item fit using conditional item characteristic curves in RAnn-Sophie Buchardt, Karl Bang Christensen & Sidsel Normann...
PTAM 2020-4
CONTENT Analysis of Differential Item Functioning in PROMIS® Pediatric and Adult Measures between Adolescents and Young Adults with Special Health Care NeedsDan V. Blalock, Li Lin, Mian Wang, David Thissen, Darren A. DeWalt, I-Chan Huang & Bryce B. ReeveFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Detecting Differential Item Functioning of...
PTAM 2013-3 | Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part I
Current perspectives on the assessment of giftedness – Part I Wilma Vialle CONTENT Intellectual and non-intellectual determinants of high academic achievement – the contribution of personality traits to the assessment of high performance potentialStefana Holocher-Ertl, Silvia Schubhart & Georg WilflingerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) In memoriam Reinhold Hatzinger...
PTAM 2011-3 | Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part I
Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part I Matthias von Davier (Eds.) CONTENT Performance of the bootstrap Rasch model test under violations of non-intersecting item response functionsMoritz Heene, Clemens Draxler, Matthias Ziegler & Markus BühnerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) INTAKT: A new instrument for assessing the...
PTAM 2011-1 | Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part II
Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part II Albert Ziegler, Heidrun Stoeger & Marion Porath (Eds.) CONTENT Wolfgang Schoppek & Andreas LandgrafCan a multidimensional hierarchy of skills generate data conforming to the Rasch model? A comparison of methodsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Martina Frebort &...
PTAM 2010-4 | Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part I
Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part I Marion Porath, Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stoeger (Eds.) CONTENT Karl ModerAlternatives to F-Test in One Way ANOVA in case of heterogeneity of variances (a simulation study)Full article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Dominique P. Rauch & Johannes HartigMultiple-choice versus...
PSYSCIQ 2008-2 | High Ability Assessment
High Ability Assessment Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stoeger (Eds.) CONTENT SHEIDRUN STOEGER & ALBERT ZIEGLEREditorial: High Ability AssessmentFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) STEFANA HOLOCHER-ERTL, KLAUS D. KUBINGER & CHRISTINE HOHENSINNIdentifying children who may be cognitively gifted: the gap between practical demands and scientific supplyFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...
PSYSCIQ 2008-1
CONTENT KLAUS D. KUBINGER (editor in chief)Editorial: a quarterly review of psychological science researchFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) CARSTEN MAURISCHAT, PETER HERSCHBACH, ACHIM PETERS & MONIKA BULLINGERFactorial validity of the Short Form 12 (SF-12) in patients with diabetes mellitusFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) GILLES E. GIGNACHigher-order models...