PSYSCIQ 2009-2
CONTENT HERBERT POINSTINGLThe Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM) as the methodological foundation of item generating rules for a new verbal reasoning testFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) TRACEY PLATT, RENÉ PROYER & WILLIBALD RUCHGelotophobia and bullying: The assessment of the fear of being laughed at and its application among...
PSYSCIQ 2009 – Supplement I
CONTENT GÜNTER KRAMPENIntroduction and some ideas as well as visions on an open access European psychology publication platformFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) MARTIN UHLSurvey on European psychology publication issuesFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) FRANK ARNOULD, ENZA MORALE & LAURENT PANESPublications in psychology: French issuesFull article .pdf (Diamond...
PSYSCIQ 2009-1
CONTENT ANNA KOCH, ANJA STROBEL, GÜLER KICI & KARL WESTHOFFQuality of the Critical Incident Technique in practice: Interrater reliability and users’ acceptance under real conditionsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) MELANIE C. STEFFENS, JANETTE C. SCHULT & IRENA D. EBERTFeminization of management leads to backlash against agentic applicants: Lack...
PSYSCIQ 2008-4
CONTENT MAIKE MALDA, FONS J. R. VAN DE VIJVER, KRISHNAMACHARI SRINIVASAN, CATHERINE TRANSLER, PRATHIMA SUKUMAR & KIRTHI RAOAdapting a cognitive test for a different culture: An illustration of qualitative proceduresFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) THOMAS AUGUSTIN & TANJA ROSCHEREmpirical evaluation of the near-miss-to-Webers law: a visual discrimination experimentFull...
PSYSCIQ 2008-3 | The use of LLTM (Linear Logistic Test Model): Cognitive modelling and item-technology analyses
CONTENT KLAUS D. KUBINGEROn the revival of the Rasch model-based LLTM: From constructing tests using item generating rules to measuring item administration effectsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) SUSAN E. EMBRETSON & ROBERT C. DANIELUnderstanding and quantifying cognitive complexity level in mathematical problem solving itemsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...
PSYSCIQ 2008-2 | High Ability Assessment
High Ability Assessment Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stoeger (Eds.) CONTENT SHEIDRUN STOEGER & ALBERT ZIEGLEREditorial: High Ability AssessmentFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) STEFANA HOLOCHER-ERTL, KLAUS D. KUBINGER & CHRISTINE HOHENSINNIdentifying children who may be cognitively gifted: the gap between practical demands and scientific supplyFull article .pdf (Diamond Open...
PSYSCIQ 2008-1
CONTENT KLAUS D. KUBINGER (editor in chief)Editorial: a quarterly review of psychological science researchFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) CARSTEN MAURISCHAT, PETER HERSCHBACH, ACHIM PETERS & MONIKA BULLINGERFactorial validity of the Short Form 12 (SF-12) in patients with diabetes mellitusFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) GILLES E. GIGNACHigher-order models...
PSYSCIQ 2007-4
CONTENT MATTHIAS ZIEGLER, LOTHAR SCHMIDT-ATZERT, MARKUS BÜHNER & STEFAN KRUMMFakability of different measurement methods for achievement motivation: questionnaire, semi-projective, and objectiveFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) DAVID SCHEFFER, JAN EICHSTAEDT, ATHANASIOS CHASIOTIS & JULIUS KUHLTowards an integrated measure of need affiliation and agreeableness derived from the Operant Motive TestFull...
PSYSCIQ 2007-3
CONTENT GILLES E. GIGNACWorking memory and fluid intelligence are both identical to g?! Reanalyses and critical evaluationFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) WILLI HAGERSome common features and some differences between the parametric ANOVA for repeated measures and the Friedman ANOVA for ranked dataFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) CHRISTOPH MENGELKAMP...
PSYSCIQ 2007-2
CONTENT KLAUS D. KUBINGER, DIETER RASCH & MARIE IMECKOVATesting a correlation coefficient`s significance: Using H0: 0 < ρ ≤ λ is preferable to H0: ρ = 0Full article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) OLGA KUNINA, OLIVER WILHELM, MAREN FORMAZIN, KATHRIN JONKMANN & ULRICH SCHROEDERSExtended criteria and predictors in college admission: Exploring the structure of study success...