PTAM 2011-4 | Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part II
Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part II Matthias von Davier (Eds.) CONTENT Bipolar items for the measurement of personal optimism instead of unipolar itemsKarl Schweizer, Wolfgang Rauch & Andreas GoldFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Item banking for C-tests: A polytomous Rasch modeling approachThomas EckesFull article...
PTAM 2011-3 | Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part I
Methodological advances in psychological and educational testing – Part I Matthias von Davier (Eds.) CONTENT Performance of the bootstrap Rasch model test under violations of non-intersecting item response functionsMoritz Heene, Clemens Draxler, Matthias Ziegler & Markus BühnerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) INTAKT: A new instrument for assessing the...
PTAM 2011-2 | Caregivers` evaluations of young children`s development and behavior
Caregivers` evaluations of young children`s development and behavior Ursula Kastner-Koller & Pia Deimann (Eds.) CONTENT Applying the LLTM for the determination of children`s cognitive age-acceleration functionKlaus D. Kubinger, Christine Hohensinn, Stefana Holocher-Ertl & Nina HeubergerFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) The effects of the number of options on the...
PTAM 2011-1 | Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part II
Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part II Albert Ziegler, Heidrun Stoeger & Marion Porath (Eds.) CONTENT Wolfgang Schoppek & Andreas LandgrafCan a multidimensional hierarchy of skills generate data conforming to the Rasch model? A comparison of methodsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Martina Frebort &...
PTAM 2010-4 | Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part I
Quantitative approaches to the study of self-regulated learning – Part I Marion Porath, Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stoeger (Eds.) CONTENT Karl ModerAlternatives to F-Test in One Way ANOVA in case of heterogeneity of variances (a simulation study)Full article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Dominique P. Rauch & Johannes HartigMultiple-choice versus...
PTAM 2010-3
CONTENT Carmen Hagemeister & Karl WesthoffOn objectivity and validity of oral examinations in psychology – A replicationFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Indiwar Misra, Damodar Suar & Manas K. MandalRevisiting the relationship between hand preference and lateral eye movementFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Janke C. ten Holt, Marijtje...
PTAM 2010-2 | Dispositions towards ridicule and being laughed at: Current research on gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism – Part II
Dispositions towards ridicule and being laughed at: Current research on gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism – Part II CONTENT Mark D. ReckaseDesigning item pools to optimize the functioning of a computerized adaptive testFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Klaus D. Kubinger, Nina Heuberger & Herbert PoinstinglOn the self-evaluation of a...
PTAM 2010-1 | Dispositions towards ridicule and being laughed at: Current research on gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism – Part I
Dispositions towards ridicule and being laughed at: Current research on gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism – Part I CONTENT Klaus D. KubingerEditorial: Psychological Test and Assessment ModelingFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Matthias von DavierHierarchical mixtures of diagnostic modelsFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Günter KrampenDirect measurement of psychotherapeutic outcomes:...
PSYSCIQ 2009-4
CONTENT DAVID FOSTER & HAROLD L. MILLERA new format for multiple-choice testing: Discrete-Option Multiple-Choice. Results from early studiesFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) KLAUS D. KUBINGER, DIETER RASCH & TAKUYA YANAGIDAOn designing data-sampling for Rasch model calibrating an achievement testFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) Special topic: Working memory...
PSYSCIQ 2009-3
CONTENT REBECCA FILL GIORDANO, MARGARETE LITZENBERGER, MICHAELA WAGNER-MENGHIN & JOHANN BINDERAssessing learning achievement, time effort, learning approaches and tempo during learning within the experiment-based behavioral task LAsO – reliability and incremental validityFull article .pdf (Diamond Open Access) ELLEN GROBER, KATJA OCEPEK-WELIKSON & JEANNE A. TERESIThe Free and Cued Selective...